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Managing Clusters

Viewing and Adding a new Cluster​

You can view all your Clusters in the Clusters dashboard. This shows summary information from your Clusters and allows you to manage them.

To add Clusters to OGC, from the All Clusters dashboard:

  1. Select +Add cluster;
  2. Name your new Cluster and optionally also provide a description;
  3. Select Create;
  4. Now copy the Helm install command;
  5. Run this command in your Cluster CLI;
  6. After some seconds the Cluster transitions to Attaching and then to Installing;
  7. A few minutes later it transitions to Up;
  8. The Cluster is now onboarded.

Adding labels to a Cluster​

To add labels to your Cluster:

  1. Start by selecting your Cluster;
  2. Select the Labels tab;
  3. Select + Add;
  4. Now add your label name and value;
  5. Labels can be strings or numeric;
  6. Select Save to keep your changes;
  7. The labels are now populated in the tab.

Assigning a Cluster to a Project​

To assign a Cluster to a Project:

  1. Start by selecting your Cluster;
  2. Select the Projects tab;
  3. Select +Add;
  4. Now assign the Project by ticking its name;
  5. Multiple Projects can be selected;
  6. Select Save to keep your changes;
  7. The Projects are now listed in the tab.