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MacOS and Linux

To install the Ori CLI, run the following installer.

 curl | sh

You now need to configure an environment variable.

export OGC_ACCESS_TOKEN="api|xxxxxxxxx"

To get an API key, navigate Settings, then to API Tokens Tab, and click + Add to get a new API Token.


If you have a problem with the package installation you may be missing required packages such as


Go to the download page and download the version that is appropriate for your platform.

Unzip the file into your main user directory.

Now set the environment variable:

set  OGC_ACCESS_TOKEN="api|1234567890ABCDE"

To get an API key, navigate Settings, then to API Tokens Tab, and click + Add to get a new API Token.

Verifying your installation

That's it you are now ready to use the CLI. To try it out run:

> ogc vm list-sku

If the installation was successful, you should obtain a list of SKUs available.