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Actions (Suspend/Resume)

In Ori's K8s Serverless environment, you may want to suspend and resume clusters to manage costs or reduce resource usage during periods of low activity. Suspending a cluster essentially freezes its state, while resuming it brings it back to operational status. This capability is especially valuable for optimizing resource utilization and managing operational costs with no overhead.

Suspending a Serverless Cluster

Suspending a serverless cluster involves halting all activities and scaling down the resources to the minimum, effectively putting the cluster in a "sleep" mode.

To suspend a serverless cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the serverless clusters list view.
  2. Look for the cluster name you would like to suspend and click on the Suspend icon in the cluster row.
  3. Once you hit on suspend, you'll be prompted to confirm.
  4. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click on proceed and the cluster will transition to Suspended state.

When a cluster goes into Suspended state, it will purge all active pods. Pods that are not managed by a deployment or stateful set will not be restarted.

Resuming a Serverless Cluster

Resuming a serverless cluster involves resuming the cluster. To resume a serverless cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the serverless clusters list view.
  2. Look for the cluster name you would like to resume and click on the Resume icon in the cluster row.
  3. Once you hit on resume, the cluster will transition to Available.