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ML Services


Ori ML Services provide comprehensive and scalable solutions tailored to meet diverse Machine Learning (ML) project requirements. With two distinct types of ML as a Service (MLaaS), Ori caters to both individual ML practitioners and teams working on larger-scale projects.

Ori ML VMs: On-Demand VM with Preloaded Jupyter Notebooks

Preview Access: Please note that this service is currently in a preview phase. As such, it's available exclusively to users who express their interest through our support channels


This service offers dedicated, on-demand virtual machines (VMs) preloaded with Jupyter notebooks, accessible via SSH and HTTPS. It's designed for users who want to jump straight into their ML projects without the overhead of setting up their environment.

Key Features

  • Preloaded Jupyter Notebooks: Ready-to-use Jupyter notebooks are included, offering a familiar and powerful interface for data science and ML projects.
  • Access Flexibility: Users can access the VM through SSH for console-based interactions or through HTTPS for Jupyter notebooks.
  • Curated ML Libraries: The VM comes equipped with a comprehensive set of ML libraries, ensuring that users have all the necessary tools at their disposal from the start.
  • Immediate Project Start: This setup allows users to begin working on their ML projects immediately, bypassing environment setup complexities.
  • Secure and Reliable: Secure access ensures data safety, and the reliable Ori infrastructure provides a stable environment for ML projects.

Use Cases

  • Ideal for individual data scientists, researchers, or small teams starting new ML projects.
  • Perfect for educational purposes, quick experiments, or prototype development.

Ori Kubeflow: Pre-configured Kubeflow Installation

Preview Access: Please note that this service is currently in a preview phase. As such, it's available exclusively to users who express their interest through our support channels


For larger-scale ML projects, Ori offers access to a personal Kubernetes-based Kubeflow installation. This service is suited for users requiring distributed infrastructure and the advanced capabilities of Kubeflow without the hassle of setup and maintenance.

Key Features

  • Kubernetes-based Infrastructure: Users get access to a Kubernetes environment, allowing for scalable and distributed computing capabilities.
  • Pre-Installed Kubeflow: The service includes a ready-to-use Kubeflow installation, providing a comprehensive toolkit for ML workflows.
  • Distributed ML Operations: Kubeflow enables efficient handling of distributed training, pipelining, and other complex ML operations.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The Kubernetes foundation offers high scalability and flexibility, accommodating growing and changing project demands.
  • Maintenance-Free: Users can leverage Kubeflow’s features without worrying about installation and maintenance complexities.

Use Cases

  • Suitable for teams working on complex ML projects requiring distributed computing resources.
  • Ideal for enterprise-level ML projects that need the advanced functionality of Kubeflow.
  • Beneficial for projects where scalability and flexibility are key requirements.


Ori ML Services provide versatile and powerful solutions for a range of ML project needs. Whether it’s a quick start with a preloaded VM for individual projects or a robust Kubernetes-based Kubeflow setup for larger-scale endeavors, Ori ensures that users have the right tools and environment to efficiently carry out their ML tasks. These services enable users to focus on their ML objectives, leveraging the power of Ori’s infrastructure and software capabilities.

If you wish to convey that the service is currently in preview and only available to users who express their interest on the platform, you might phrase it like this:

Service Availability Notice

Preview Access: Please note that these services is currently in a preview phase. As such, they are available exclusively to users who express their interest through our support channels

How to Gain Access:

  1. Express Your Interest: If you're interested in utilizing this service during its preview phase, please indicate your interest through our platform.
  2. Request Approval: Once you've expressed interest, your request will be subject to approval based on our selection criteria for the preview phase.
  3. Limited Availability: Keep in mind that access is limited during this stage. We're offering this exclusive preview to gather feedback and improve the service before a wider release.

Join the Preview: Being a part of our preview phase allows you to be among the first to experience and shape the future of this innovative service. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us refine and enhance the service for a broader audience.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the development of our cutting-edge ML services. We look forward to your participation and feedback during this exciting phase.