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Get Started

Step 1: Navigate to the Serverless Product Offering

Once we signup to the Ori platform, begin by landing to our platform page, where you can see one of Ori's product offerings K8s Serverless.

Step 2: Create a New Cluster

To set up a new serverless cluster, follow these steps:

  1. Click on New Cluster to start the creation process.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name for your cluster. Choose a name that is unique and descriptive, so you can easily identify it later.
  3. Submit your request by clicking the Create button.

Step 3: Cluster Provisioning and Availability

After submitting the request, your cluster status will initially show as Provisioning. This status indicates that our system is setting up the cluster with the specified configurations. The process may take a few minutes, depending on the current load and cluster complexity.

Once the provisioning is complete, the status will change to Available. This change signifies that your cluster is ready for use and fully operational.

Step 4: Download Kubeconfig

To interact with your cluster, you will need to download the KubeConfig file. This file contains all the necessary credentials and endpoints to manage your cluster via Kubernetes CLI tools.

  • Navigate to the cluster dashboard.
  • Locate and click on the Download KubeConfig button. This will save the kubeConfig.yaml file to your local system, typically in the download folder.

Step 5: Accessing the Cluster

With the Kubeconfig file downloaded, you can start managing your Kubernetes resources via the command line interface (CLI). Here's how to access your cluster's control plane:

  1. Open your command-line interface (CLI).
  2. Execute the following command to list all namespaces in your cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig /path/to/your/downloaded/kubeConfig.yaml get namespace

Replace /path/to/your/downloaded/kubeConfig.yaml with the actual path where your Kubeconfig file is stored, for example, /Users/johndoe/Downloads/kubeConfig.yaml.

This command will display all the namespaces in your cluster, indicating that your CLI is properly configured to communicate with your Kubernetes serverless cluster.

NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   11d
kube-node-lease   Active   11d
kube-public       Active   11d
kube-system       Active   11d

Know more about Kubectl and KubeConfig by going through the K8s official documentation.

You are now ready to deploy applications and manage resources on your Kubernetes Serverless cluster. Explore further by deploying workloads, monitoring cluster performance, and scaling resources as needed. If you encounter any issues or have questions, consult our detailed FAQs or reach out to our support team for assistance.