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Virtual Machines


Welcome to the documentation section for Ori Virtual Machines (VMs). Ori VMs provide a powerful and flexible way to deploy and manage GPU-accelerated virtual machines (VMs) for a variety of applications, particularly in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This guide will walk you through the essential functionalities of the Ori VMs interface, including launching a new VM, managing your existing VMs, and viewing detailed information about each VM.

Launching a GPU VM

  1. Accessing the VM List:

    • Navigate to the VM list page in the Ori Home dashboard page. This is accessible from both the landing page card for VMs or the dashboard shortcut on the side on the UI.
  2. Add a new VM form:

    • Select + New Virtual Machine.
  3. Fill in the form:

    • Choose the GPU type for your VM. Ori VMs offer a range of GPU options, each suited for different levels of computational needs. Consider your application requirements when selecting the GPU.
  4. Choose VM Size:

    • Select the size of your VM. VM sizes vary in terms of CPU, memory, and storage capabilities. Choose a size that aligns with your workload requirements. Note that the GPU generally determines the possible sizes of the VM.
  5. Choose Location:

    • Select one option from the list of available locations that meets your requirements.
  6. Choose OS version:

    • Select one option from the list of available OS versions for your VM.
  7. Configuring Networking:

    • Configure the networking settings for your VM.
  8. Setting Access Mode:

    • Enter your SSH key for secure access to the VM. Ensure that you use a valid SSH key for seamless and secure connectivity. See our guide for setting up SSH keys.
  9. Name your VM

    • Give a name to your VM.
  10. Launching the VM:

    • Once all settings are configured, review your selections and launch the VM by clicking the designated button. Your VM will start provisioning and will be ready for use shortly.
    • Note that provisioning of an instance may take some time. You will not be charged until the VM is available.

Managing Your VMs

  1. Listing All VMs:

    • Access the VM list page in the UI - this lists all your VMs. Here, you can view a summary of each VM, including its status, location, and other key details.
  2. Accessing VMs:

    • From the list, you can access the details of any of your VMs.
  3. Managing VMs:

    • From the VM details form you can perform various management tasks such as obtaining information on accessing via ssh and terminating VMs. Note termination of your VM will delete all your data. See the guide on how to opy your data out.

Next steps

  1. Accessing your VM:

    • Select a VM from your list to view its detailed information. Copy the ssh command. In your command line, ssh to the VM. Your ssh user will have sudo access.
  2. Installing NVIDIA drivers:

When you don't need your VM any longer

When you no longer need your VM you can Delete it. All data will be deleted and it will not be possible to recover it. Follow the guides below to backup your data.

When you Delete your VM all data on that instance will be lost! Ensure you have backed up any data before you delete your VM.

  1. Copy your data out of the VM instance

  2. Terminate your VM

    • Navigate to the VM List page and selecting the VM you want to terminate. Select Delete. Note all Data will be lost.


Ori VMs offer a robust and user-friendly platform for managing GPU-accelerated virtual machines. By following the steps outlined in this documentation, users can effectively launch, manage, and monitor their VMs, ensuring optimal performance for their ML and AI applications. Remember to refer back to this guide as needed for efficient management of your Ori VM resources.