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Get Started

Step 1: Create bucket

To setup the new bucket:

  1. Navigate to the "Create Bucket" action.

  2. Enter a name for your bucket to ensure (Note: this name must be unique across the platform and DNS-compliant).

  3. Choose a location for your bucket.

  4. After entering the necessary information, click the "Launch" button to create your bucket.

  5. Upon creation, the platform will provide an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key. Make a note of these values and securely store them as they will be needed to access and manage your bucket.

Step 2: Configure access key

To configure your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, follow these steps:

  1. Access your terminal (Linux/macOS)

  2. Run the following command:

aws configure

Replace the placeholders with the actual values provided on the Ori platform (leaving Region empty):

<bucket_key_ID>: Your Access Key ID
<bucket_key>: Your Secret Access Key

Step 3: List bucket objects

To check that everything has been setup correctly, you can run a list command on the bucket.

aws s3  ls --endpoint-url=bucket_endpoint_url s3://bucket_name --recursive

Replace the placeholders with the actual values provided on the Ori platform:

<bucket_endpoint_url>: The endpoint URL for your bucket's location
<bucket_name>: The name of your bucket

Step 4: Copy objects to bucket

aws s3 cp /path/to/file/filename --endpoint-url=https://s3.<bucket_region><bucket_name> s3://bucket_name

Step 5: Delete object

aws s3 rm --endpoint-url=https://s3.<bucket_region><bucket_name> s3://<bucket_name>/filename

If versioning is enabled, you may also want to delete the object versions as well as delete markers.

# object versions
aws s3api delete-objects --endpoint-url=https://s3.<bucket_region>  --bucket <bucket_name> --delete "$(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket <bucket_name> --endpoint-url=https://s3.<bucket_region>  --query='{Objects: Versions[].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId}}')"

# delete markers
aws s3api delete-objects --endpoint-url=https://s3.<bucket_region>  --bucket <bucket_name> --delete "$(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket <bucket_name> --endpoint-url=https://s3.<bucket_region>  --query='{Objects: DeleteMarkers[].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId}}')"