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Actions (Suspend/Resume)

In Ori's Virtual Machine (VM), you may want to suspend and resume your instances to manage costs or reduce resource usage during periods of low activity. Suspending a essentially freezes its state, while resuming it brings it back to operational status. This capability is especially valuable for optimizing resource utilization and managing operational costs.

Suspending a Virtual Machine

Suspending a VM means temporarily pausing its operation without shutting it down completely. This state saves the current session exactly as it is, and all data exactly as they are. This allows you to resume operations later from the same point without losing any data.

Here’s how to perform the suspend action:

  1. Go to the VMs list view.
  2. Look for the VM name you would like to suspend and click on the Suspend icon in the row.
  3. Once you hit on suspend, you'll be prompted to confirm.
  4. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click on proceed and the VM will transition to Suspended state.

Resuming a Virtual Machine

Resuming a VM means restarting the operation of the VM from the exact point where it was previously suspended. This restores the VM’s state, including all running processes and data in memory, allowing you to continue working without any loss of progress or information.

Here’s how to perform the resume action:

  1. Go to the VMs list view.
  2. Look for the VM name you would like to resume and click on the Resume icon in the row.
  3. Once you hit on resume, the server will transition to Available.