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Terraform for Packages

Ori allows you to use Terraform tool for configuring packages.

Using Terraform provider you can add applications, configure containerr with mounts, ports, and add network policies.

The following is the resource block that needs to be added:

resource "ogc_package" "pkg" {
name = "example"
project_id = "0e145a36-1ee7-434c-9f30-9e1ba4da2d7c"

This is an alternative to configuring packages step-by-step via OGC-UI platform, previously described.

Refer to the Terraform documentation:

In order to use the OGC terraform provider, you first need to create an account in OGC and generate an API token under your organisation settings.

Then, set the OGC_ACCESS_TOKEN environment var with your access token:

export OGC_ACCESS_TOKEN='api|xxxxxxxxxx'

Follow our GitHub repo, where you can find further details about running Terraform.